SEEfest Salon

On Sunday a lively group of performers came together at the SEEfest Salon to pay homage to prolific playwright and longtime supporter and champion of SEEfest, Will Manus. The program featured scenes from Will’s many beloved plays and special guests from the Galimatas Rebetika Trio. We are hugely grateful to all the wonderful artists for participating!
SEEfest program and activities are supported, in part, by the California Arts Council, a state agency; Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture; by a grant from the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles; ELMA Foundation for European Movies in America, and California Humanities. We are deeply grateful for their continued support of our programs.
California Arts Council
Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture
Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles
California Humanities