The cultural legacy of Professor Balthazar, the titular character of Croatia’s beloved animation series produced between 1968 and 1978, was celebrated with a range of screenings and public events at this summer’s edition of Animafest Zagreb, the annual world festival of animated film. Created by a team of animators helmed by Zlatko Grgić for the […]
By Anna Spyrou Los Angeles, July 2017 Greek-American Evan Spiliotopoulos, screenwriter of the 2017 live action remake of Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon and starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, spoke to SEEfest about the Disney hit movie and his writing career in Los Angeles. SEEfest: Tell us a little about yourself […]
Los Angeles, March 30, 2017 — On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Cinema Without Borders, online portal for international cinema in Los Angeles, SEEfest will honor its founder and editor-in-chief Bijan Tehrani with Ambassador of International Cinema Award. Mr. Tehrani has worked as director, film critic and writer and taught history of cinema at […]